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Wednesday 24 April 2013

21st Century Learning - contexts

Introduction to Blog Journal – contexts of learning

I have created a blog in order to explore different types of contexts within 21st century learning. Within the blog, four different posts have been developed to explore the contexts I personally have an interest in. The four contexts I have focused on are: Play, Montessori education, outdoor learning and home education.

Within each of these contexts I have provided a reason as to why these topics are of an interest and the significant aspect to each one. Within play, I have investigated the developmental factors of a child and how these are incorporated in play. Montessori has spurred the most interest and a focus into how Montessori education was founded and the ideas behind Montessori education is highlighted in this post. The benefits of learning are examined within outdoor learning and an insight into the developmental areas of a child and the types of skills that can be encouraged in the outdoor environment. Finally, home learning was another interesting topic, and an explanation of the legalities and motives behind home education is researched.

Each post has a variety of photographs and videos to emphasis the importance of each context. Labels have also been added to guide your reading; all posts will be found under assignment however I have included separate labels should the reader wish to be directed to each single post. 

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